Ecole accréditées EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System).
Liste des écoles de commerce accréditées EQUIS
Le nombre d'années à côté du nom de l'école indique la durée pour laquelle l' accréditation est accordée.
For all Schools accredited or reaccredited after May 30th 2006, we explicitly indicate whether EQUIS Accreditation has been granted for 5 or for 3 years. For those Schools accredited or reaccredited before this date, this will remain confidential until their next re-accreditation.
- BEM – Bordeaux Management School
- ESC Toulouse Toulouse Business School
- Rouen Business School
- Audencia
- EMLYON Business School
- ESCP Europe
- Euromed Management
- ESC Grenoble
- ICN Nancy
AUDENCIA Nantes, Ecole de Management (5 years)
BEM Bordeaux Management School (3 years)
EDHEC Business School (5 years)
EM LYON Business School (5 years)
ESCP Europe (5 years)
ESSEC Business School (5 years)
Euromed Management (3 years)
Grenoble Ecole de Management (5 years)
School of Business and Management (Tours – Poitiers), Groupe ESCEM (3 years)
HEC School of Management – Paris (5 years)
Graduate School of Management, IAE Aix-en-Provence (5 years)
ICN Business School (3 years)
INSEAD France, Middle East & Singapore (5 years)
Reims Management School (3 years)
Rouen Business School (3 years)
SKEMA Business School (3 years)
Toulouse Business School, Groupe ESC Toulouse (5 years)
Université Paris-Dauphine (3 years)
Source : EFMD
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